Monday, February 25, 2013

Makers Initiative: 13 Interviews of Women Who Inpire Me

Last month I found MAKERS: WOMEN WHO MAKE AMERICA website. Makers is a video initiative (PBS and AOL) that showcases compelling stories of women who have made pioneering contributions and shaped the way people live. 

Here are 13 of the interviews from the videos I enjoyed watching to the ones I loved the most! 
12. Hope Solo, Professional Athlete
11. Maritza Alarcon,Youth Empowerment Organizer

9. Rachel McLish, First Female Bodybuilding Champion

8. Madeleine Albright, First Female Secretary of State

7. Katie Couric, Network News Pioneer

6. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Crusader For Women
5. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO

4. OprahWinfrey, Media Mogul & Philanthropist
3. Sandra Cisneros, Pioneering Latina Writer
2. Amy Goodman, Journalist
1. Dolores Huerta, Co-Founder, United Farm Workers

I watched all of these interviews over a few weeks and I felt inspired each time! As I watched them I took notes about these amazing women. Now each time I need a little boost in motivation, I pop out my notebook and I read their quotes!



  1. Augh! If only I wasn't at work, I'd be watching all of these interviews. Also, I love that they included Rachel McLish in this. She doesn't get nearly enough credit as a groundbreaker as she should.

    1. Yeah, Caitlin, I agree that Rachel McLish is a real ground-breaker for women in bodybuilding! Here is the link for all interviews: I watched 1 or 2 (even 3 at one time :p They're so inspiring, all these women are feminists! :)

    2. oh wow thats really kool, I gotta check out the interviews when did these interviews happen?

  2. The interviews are great; very inspiring! I'm sure they took place over a long time (years, I think). I haven't seen the show, maybe on DVD if/when it comes out.
