So many people: Latinos, African-Americans and other communities were so happy Obama became our new President! We were all so hopeful that he would deliver the all the promises he made.
I don't know too much about Obama's presidency, but I know a couple of things that are important to me:
1) With pushes and shoves he was able to pass Health Care Reform to cover 25-30 million Americans who currently have no health insurance. However, the HCR will leave 12-15 million undocumented immigrants and permanent residents out for the first 5 years. (We need a universal health care system, a.k.a. Single-Payer to fully cover EVERYONE!)
2) He also passed Differed Action this June where young immigrants (under the age of 30) are protected from deportation and allowed to receive work permits (that can be renewed every 2 years)-- but Deferred Action is NO path toward citizenship.
At this election, I am not voting for Obama again. I am not voting for him because, first, he didn't keep his promise he made to Latinos that he would reform the Nation's broken immigration system. Although he passed the two laws I mentioned above (yes, something is better than nothing) -- they are not comprehensive.
Secondly, I know that as far as the state of California goes, he will very likely win it. Using my vote on him will not make much of a difference because he will win California anyway.
Lastly, I am not voting Democratic because I am tired of having a 2-party system in the U.S. where Democrats and Republicans have more similarities than differences and we move forward very little, if at all.
So at At this election my vote will go to Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party. It's about time this country stops the 2-party nonsense by speaking up and supporting a 3rd party with a new vision for the County.
I am ALL for the values of the Green Party. My Green vote will send a message to other states in the nation: There is group of people who want real change. The Green Party's values are FOR people of color, women, gays, immigrants, the environment, education and health care for all. These are all the values that I stand for! If we don't ever vote differently we will always be on this hamster wheel/ treadmill. That is my message by going Green this election. I will vote Green because we need to change the 2-Party system in this country someday.
Originally ratified at the Green Party Convention in Denver, Colorado, June 2000
Although I was disillusioned by Obama's first term, I am hopeful that he wins this year. I would rather
have him serve as the President than a Republican anytime! I
don't dislike Obama, don't get me wrong. Obama is quite charismatic, intelligent and understands how upside down this country is. He's had a pretty
challenging term. I know he's fought, but we need him to be fight harder
this time around.
Beatriz Sosa-Prado Yes, that is valid (friend's name here). I was scared too to take a chance. I'm still a little scared to be honest, but I think Obama has a lead over Romney. I still respect your vote for Obama :) He will win California and that is what counts. I just want my children and grandchildren to see real change someday.
is the cheat-sheet I will use (although I have studied the measures on
my own too) for the measures on the ballot in California:
![]() |
Still doing my research on Prop 35 and 40, but leaning towards a Yes on both. |
So my final words are:
Obama won the re-election!!! Although I did not vote for him, he won California and many battleground states! I am so excited for the progressive way this country is moving little year by year!