I was awarded 6th place, out of 6 beautiful and fit ladies in my class (short class - under 35 years old). Placing is not important to me, as I know that the most important thing is being my best-self! At this competition I was in the best shape of my life, I just keep on improving each time! I am proud of having trained very hard, all on my own - no coach, no trainer. I mapped out my own workout plans since January 1st and I followed through. I kicked my own butt every day, gasping for air in every breath and dripping tons of sweat!
But what gave me the most pride in this journey (also in the dressing room and once on stage) was: my diet. For the past 6 months I have lived as a vegan. My nutrition has been based on plants only and I do not desire meat on ANY animal products, it feels liberating!
When I told people about my (vegan) nutrition and training to compete they would open their eyes wide and ask "vegan???" It was and is actually pretty funny :) I love dispelling myths about veganism and I love being living proof that eating on a plant-based diet you can be healthy/healthier, fit, build muscle, have great skin, hair and nails, etc! These are features that are evident from the outside, but on the inside, I feel that my attitude towards life, my happy self and vast amounts of energize are attributed to my nutrition - and people notice that...
To me, being able to compete and doing it on a vegan diet is activism. It is activism for 1) health in general, 2) the health of the planet, and 3) ethical animal treatment. I love this lifestyle, and I am almost positive that for the rest of my life I will continue to be plant-based and revolve around fitness! Pairing these two together is one of the very best decisions I've made in my life (marrying Bret is one of the best ones, though! :) ! It is amazing, beautiful and life-changing! I see the world with different eyes, heart and soul...
It's interesting how this event alone can make me so focused the last few weeks. It takes a lot of determination, discipline and hard work - you have to keep your eye on the ball. But it's doable and it's worth my while. I am already thinking I'd like to do it again, perhaps on October 20th, in San Diego with Fitness America again...For now though, I have my "real" life to get back to and planning the details of my wedding! I will worry about my contest-prep after I come back form my honeymoon in August. Now, back to work!
Here are some pictures from my competition, enjoy! :)
Can you find me? I am wearing the purple flower on my hair :)
My sportswear theme: Mexican Marichi (my friend Alessandra let me borrow her sombrero, cute!
Bikini Round: Guess what my bikini color represents? That's right, veganism, my love for people, plants and our planet! Go green!

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