For the most part, I've been eating whatever I want...Hmm, that's a good thing to say. I've actually allowed myself to eat what I am carving at the moment and I don't feel guilty about it....Yeah, I do think, oops, I had a little too much peanut butter, or 2 extra slices of bread (have not eaten Ezekiel bread in 1 month!) but I move forward.
I also did cardio last week: 30 minutes on the treadmill jogging or walking uphill and Stairmaster. Yesterday I jogged 35 minutes at the beach, and it felt so good to my muscles, lungs and heart! I have not lifted weights since May 24th, today is my first day hitting them up again! I'm so excited to start my routine and re-shape my body, condition it and take fitness to a new level! I am developing my own new fitness plan and today I'm training shoulders heavily!
This past Saturday, I met up with Jessica, a fit girl I met at my competition, who was in my class and won 1st place! She is so sweet, beautiful and trains hard! She has a beautiful physique and an excellent attitude towards life! We just hit it off when we met at the show and decided to reconnect this weekend. We went to at a Thai vegan restaurant I chose in West Hollywood, her first time eating vegan! We talked about how we got started in fitness and we had so much more to talk about, but we just had 1 hour parking :/ We definitely will do this again and talk about more topics about health, nutrition and fitness!I am so happy I met Jessica! She was so curious about my vegan diet and I had fun talking about it! :-D

This week is going to be challenging, but I love my challenges! I started a second part-time job with Physicians for a National Health Program-California chapter ( an Outreach Specialist in efforts to move the Single Payer Health Care movement with the Latino community forward, which I wholeheartedly believe in!
I am also working (part-time) at the CSULB Center for Latino Community Health ( ) in my Sanos y Fuertes: Healthy and Strong project as a graduate research fellow! I love this project because of it's mission: to train future public health professionals to reduce Latino childhood obesity!

In addition tot that, I am working on finishing my Master's thesis! I am close...I just need to analyze my findings, do my references and get more feedback form my advisors. I am scheduled for my Defense in mid-July and will submit it. Finally I'll get my M.S. degree this summer!

(In this picture I am presenting my qualitative research to another student at a conference in April 2012. This study, which is related to my thesis topic, I looked at 40 Latina mothers with children 2-10 years old living in Long Beach and analyzed what they want to learn from a community-based nutrition education and physical activity program to reduce childhood obesity int heir community).
Then I'm off to Yosemite to get married on July 21st!!! (Blog to come on the preparations!) Then to our Honeymoon in Italy! To make all of this happen I need to be disciplined and carry out everything carefully and diligently-- all while keeping my life balanced in the mind, body, heart and spirit!
My love and best friend Bret is my inspiration and my biggest support. I am so lucky he has chosen me to be his wife. I fall in love with him every day, it's amazing!
Here's to a great and productive week!
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