So in my journey to learn how to
focus my attention and get my butt down and study, write and be productive, I
did some research. I tent to hyper-focus when I like something, so I knew I
should look into only three sites:
Tiny Buddah
is what I got from WebMD:
Ø Take medications as directed. I already do take my medication and I am my own doctor and pharmacist!
- eating a healthy plant-based diet,
- working out at least 5 days a week,
- staying hydrated, and
- sleeping deeply and soundly.
Ø Control impulsive behavior. I constantly have my internet on and every time something pops into my head I Google it! Ahhh! One of my compulsions also is making sure I have an empty inbox: I check my email, reply back as soon as possible and read as much information as possible I get from websites I'm subscribed to. I’ve limited checking my Facebook
account once a day only, but that is still not perfect.
Ø Minimize distractions.
Having the internet off while I work is helpful. When I go to coffee shops or
even being at home while Bret listens to music I need my ear plugs so I can
Ø Find constructive outlets for excess energy. I am the type of person that loves to exercise and needs to exercise. When I exercise, not
only am I good at focusing during my workouts, I also am more productive during
the day because I have expelled so much energy. Working-out essential to get enough blood flow
into my brain and body.
Ø Ask for help.
Thank God I have such a supportive husband, he’s a blessing!
On to my journey for a Fit Mind!
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