Sunday, July 15, 2012

My First Low-fat Raw Vegan Breakfast!

So I've been doing a bunch of reading about nutrition, mostly on raw vegan food. Eating raw is the best way for our bodies to get the most out of natural food. Since there is NO processing done (no stripping way of natural fiber) to wholesome foods, our body can get all of the foods nutrients! There are so many benefits to eating raw, but I will need to write a blog in the future about what I've learned about raw foods.

On a typical morning I'll have my oatmeal berries and a banana with some protein powder and flax seeds, sweetened with stevia and cinnamon.
I want to start eating more raw fruits and veggies, especially fruit and starting to eat this way requires me to- just start!

Today I decided to have a raw breakfast...One cup of strawberries (about 8 medium), 1 small orange, I kiwi, 5 cherries, 1 small banana = ALL ORGANIC! It was very yummy! So we will see how this week goes, either fruit or a green smoothie for breakfast this week. Now I have to get ready for our /pre-wedding photos this morning!

Health, Joy, Peace and Love,


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