Since Sofia provided me my meals plans I have been eating more greens. Last week, for the first time I had mustard greens, cooked, and they were so delicious! I added collard greens, kale and spinach, cucumbers, celery and strawberries to my shakes and they tasted so yummy and were so filling! It was unbelievable, I thought that by drinking shakes I'd be super hungry and surprisingly I have not, wow!
This past weekend, however, I did eat a few slices of bread - and it did feel good :) (Last night we had sandwiches at my sister Laura's for dinner :-P And today, I am back to my regular meals! This morning I went to Whole Foods and bought my green veggies (powder), liquid chlorophyll and Yerba Mate and Green Tea tea bags! It makes me so excited to fuel myself with power foods. I don't mind spending $50 on food and not shoes or clothes. I don't need much material things; I just need just my health, sanity and lots of love :)
This is what my meals look like today:
Meal 1) 1/2 banana; Green kale smoothie with protein powder, strawberries and ginger
Meal 2) 1/2 banana; protein shake with 1 coop of greens; 1 oz. almonds (After this meal, I've been sipping on water with liquid chlorophyll to help me with digestion and vitamins and mineral absorption)
Meal 3) Large, green salad with 1/2 cup black beans and vinaigrette (lemon juice, 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp. coconut oil and 1/2 tsp. agave syrup)
At 3:45pm I'll have Meal 4) Protein shake + greens
Then dinner at 6:30pm - which will consist of asparagus and I am not sure what else, lol!
These past few days I have felt amazing inside and out since I started working with Sofia. Not only has she provided awesome vegan nutritional information and workout advice, she is so supportive and believes in me. She really believes that I am inspiring others, much more as a vegan :) My body feels great and it looks great :) I honestly feel my abs are coming out, more and more every day...I never though I would witness the wonders my own body can do to discover itself.
I started blogging this a few minutes ago because I felt sad. I felt weak...I am weak. As I said, my diets are low-carb and with that comes the low energy...It's crazy how even though I say I feel amazing, my body feels weak and I get sad. I also notice that my mind is not able to focus much. I've been working on writing my thesis and I feel my ideas are not flowing! Ugh, I really don't like that! I got the job description for a job I was offered and I am exactly who they are looking for and I'd be delighted to do it! But I didn't get excited. I had a blank stare....It's tough not eating carbs, but I know this is only temporary because after show day my diet is going back to eating of them, including tons of fruit! ..It's crazy how carbs have a great effect in our daily energy levels and thinking. Wow.
Yes, I still feel a little low...I admit I have some feelings of insecurity. I know that when I fuel with carbs again, I will be back to being the b-z, hyper, social, happy, bubbly butterfly I am! I guess I feel insecure because I am beginning to compare myself with other amateur and pro competitors, some of whom I know and look amazing. It's so silly of me to do this. Facebook makes it easy to look into other people's lives -_- Then I snap out of it! I cannot continue to compare myself to others. I've never been like that and I cannot start now just because I am low on carbs, how ridiculous! I just use these images as inspiration and motivation to be my best self!
This is my life. I am living it and loving it to the fullest. When I feel low I need to remind myself of who I am and what I stand for. This is my journey, no one else's - I am creating my OWN path. It helps me to think about my accomplishments and the things that make me ME, and that make me special, including my vegan diet. Yes, this diet is of love, compassion and peace <3 It makes me feel BEAutiful <3
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